ThothHorRa (his "New Earth Star" name) has been my inner-planes mentor through many lifetimes. In a few of my incarnations (according to what I have been shown in the Akasha) I knew him in his physical presence. His life as Thoth, Raismes of Aphra was once such lifetime. I began my conscious connection to the ultra terrestrial beings at the age of four, but at that time this was only one vivid experience, At 17 I began to experience communication and visual experiences with them. My mother also saw them, and on two occasions that I recall, we saw these beings together in my bedroom. It was these benevolent ones who instructed me from an early age. They told me I would come to communicate with my "benefactor" or mentor. It was in 1977, ten years later, that this communication began. It was Thoth who brought the "blueprints" for the Temple of the Risen One (Great Pyramid) to Earth from the Blue Star Rigel in Orion, and oversaw its construction. Later as Thoth, Raismes of Aphra he would orchestrate the rebuilding of the Temple after the Great Flood.
Thoth, the Illumined Master
Thoth, the Illumined Master
Thoth, the Illumined Master
Thoth, the Illumined Master
Thoth, the Illumined Master
Thoth, the Illumined Master
Thoth, the Illumined Master
Thoth, the Illumined Master
Thoth, the Illumined Master
Thoth, the Illumined Master
Following the insights revealed to me of the City of Seraphim in the Inner Earth, my mentor ThothHorRa's presence there and my own knowing of the alternate incarnation I have in Seraphim, I continue the story here.
There is a gathering of souls within Seraphim some of which are incarnate on this surface earth. They are what we will call here the "Mages", a name suggested by Thoth. While my association with Thoth began before my birth and was consciously introduced to me in 1967 (then I began conscious communication with him in 1977), my deeper understanding of my incarnation as Mi'Kala within this city as one of the Mages (along with others whom I know in this lifetime), is more recent. Although I knew about Mi'Kala as early as 1976 and I named my doll at age four a similar name, only recently have I come to understand how this relates to a larger grouping of souls—the Mages—who companion and work with Thoth in the Inner Earth.
The Mages are not wizened masters, but they do have a clear duty, a design of purpose, that causes them to be directly involved with the Thothic Program of Light which is under the authority of the Mandate of Lord Mikael. I do not at this time know how many "Mages" there are. They do all seem to reside the Greater Seraphim (of which the City is in the center). There are those like Mi'Kala who are very "human" and seek to serve in such a role. Then there are the more advanced who, who while still human, are more in-tune with the greater spectrum.
Beyond the Mages are the Ilumanaries—ThothHorRa, Sa'Ra'Fana, and the rest of the Merkabah of the Host. In the mix within the Inner Earth and thus integrated into Seraphim as well, are the Star Kindred. It is they who opened the path for human migrations into the Interior of the planet and supply them with ultra-technology.
Thoth is what I (Maia) refers to as a Grand Illuminari. While his purpose and function in the spiritual Hierarchy that serves the earth in its evolutionary progression is somewhat different than that which was accomplished by the Christed Master Jesus (Yeshua/I'shoa), it is nonetheless complimentary and the activities of Thoth fall under the authority of the Office of the Christ. The Office of the Christ is a direct spiritual deliverance from the Most High and Holy God to the human soul. As such this Office is beyond the scope of any Hierarchical agency, function, or specific station of Light. The individual divine beings which serve under this authority such as Angels, Archangels, Masters, and Illuminaries offer themselves to this Office in divine service. However the potential of divine issuance available through the Office of the Christ is not limited by the capacity of any of these Hierarchical beings or agencies, they only serve as a co-creative facilitative force with the Office of the Christ.
Jesus' and Thoth's souls are two of the 9 souls of the Adam Kadmon Supra-Being which holds the form of the pure divine image, or Image and Similitude (Heb: Bat:salmaynu-Kidmoothenu), for the earth. In fact, the higher akashic records of the earth reveal that only 3 of these 9 souls have ever had any experience upon the earth in an actual embodiment. The third of the nine Adam Kadmon souls which has had incarnate experience on the earth is the second Christic soul. This soul is differentiated from the pristine Christic soul of Jesus, in that it took a path of incarnate service in the earth through a series of lifetimes prior to Jesus' birth. The purpose in doing so, was so that a proper genetic lineage could be prepared for the one and only divine incarnation of the Christed Master Jesus. As of 2016 it was revealed to me that this incarnational Jesus soul was the same as that which embodied in Osiris. The soul of Thoth has also taken numerous embodiments prior to and since, the time of the Master Jesus. His purpose was to become engaged with the earth's genetic strain without becoming karmically involved. Other ascended Masters have taken karmic involvement with the earth in order to blaze a fiery trail back to the Divine Kingdom so that others could follow their lead. Thoth has been assigned the function of being here to help hold the envelope of Light through which the Ascended Masters were commissioned to blaze the path back to. The soul of Jesus however, incarnated upon the earth to lift the karmic veil of the earth for the many beautiful souls who had become entangled within the snares of matter. This great soul did not become karmically involved with earth either, despite the physical tribulations He endured. The element which made this possible is the supreme manifestation of His Divine Love. When a soul is in the expression of Divine Love to the degree that the Christed Master Jesus was, then there is nothing that a fallen world such as earth can do to place a stain upon it. Thus, He "died for our sins," meaning that He made an ultimate sacrifice of physical incarnation in a world wrought with cruelty, materialism and hatred as a divine service to the souls of the earth, including those who in the end destroyed His physical life and form.
Thoth's embodiments before the time of Jesus were designed to hold a specific focus for the primary Christic soul of Jesus (the Pure Soul). This focus was a complimentary and balancing force for the work of the second Christic soul (Osiris), which was within incarnate experience and of necessity was also karmically engaged with the earth in order to prepare the genetic lineage and path for Jesus' incarnation. It was intended that the Pure Soul of Jesus should incarnate only once upon the earth, thus the secondary Christic soul and Thoth's soul offered themselves to help prepare the way for His coming. Both Thoth's and Jesus' souls are from the higher stellar worlds of Light in Orion, worlds referred to as the Mazaloth (2 Kings 23:5) in the Holy Bible. Thoth brought the Enochian Table to the earth from Orion from which the design for the Great Pyramid at Giza was derived. He was known to us then as Thoth Raismes of Aphra, an embodiment he had in the ancient Egyptian experience. It must be understood that the most ancient Egyptian culture which dates back much further than current archaeological information indicates, was working with a monotheistic format and included symbolic and conceptual elements that are comparable to the current Christian symbology and theology. It was only later in history as the degradation of the Egyptian and many other cultures became prominent, that the numerous archetypal deities which represented the various aspects and qualities of divine issuance, became associated with a separative and polytheistic expression.
Thoth is also a divine archetype. Divine archetypes are patterns of consciousness. Many times these archetypes are imbued with the essence of a soul who exemplified and embodied the pattern. Other times they are universal and have no corollary to any specific soul. The archetype of Thoth could be best be described as one which holds the pattern for spiritualization of higher intelligence, mind, and ego through the consciousness of the heart. Thoth's current purpose is interacting with the souls of the earth in order to revivify the sacred mysteries of the entire earthen experience so that we might recapture the golden essence of those experiences within our souls and then carry that forth into the future as a heritage for the New Earth. These sacred mysteries as revealed by Thoth, are held in a special Akasha repository called the 'Records of Thoth.' In brief, these records hold much of the pure sacred knowledge form for the planet. You could think of them as an original record of the planet's entire sacred history. We can use the analogy of a computer hard drive. If you were going to let someone work with some valuable computer files and wanted to be sure you did not lose their original form, you would make an additional copy on your disk or place a copy in the Cloud. This way the original version could be referenced from time to time to be sure that the alterations which are being made still contain the essence of the original. The second copy corresponds to the Records of Thoth.
There are akashic records which are commonly available to all the souls of earth as part of their evolutionary process. As this process is taking place, the akashic records (the available copy) are of necessity being altered as well. While much of the alteration serves a positive purpose, many times the records are also purposefully manipulated by dark forces or slightly distorted through the misunderstandings and limited perceptions of those using them. Thus, when Thoth allows information from the Record of Thoth to be released at various points in the planetary experience, the original knowledge is reintroduced and provides a correction to the current accessible version. This occurs in a way where the useful knowledge which has been added to the original as part of the earth's evolutionary process is maintained as well. Thoth has shown me (Maia) how as I translate his Akasha and release it to the world, so it corrects certain portions of the original. I am certainly not stating that this is the only way they are being corrected. It is just one example of this process.
Thoth, Osiris and Orion. Through the years all three have been viewed by some as POSITIVE and others as NEGATIVE. This includes channeled sources. More recently this is coming up again with Thoth where some are saying he was/is "Annunaki," or what my Thoth-Source refers to as the Nephilim. I cannot possibly argue or debate this topic. No one can. Channeled material is always largely subjective. Mythical stories usually contain a mixture of truth and falsity. My statement on it can only be the following...
Consciously since 1967 (from the age of 16-17) I have been guided by what I believe to be highly spiritual beings who told me I would soon be in contact with my "Benefactor." This Benefactor/Mentor first revealed himself to me some 10 years later and told me he was Thoth Hermes. He later gave me his incarnated name when he was in Egypt as Raismes of Aphra. His title was Thoth. He informed me that he had been a "Thoth" long before on this Earth as well. The first one coming from Rigel in Orion and the second having that bloodline, but born in Tibet, living in Atlantis and then Egypt as Thoth, Rasimes of Aphra. To cover all these and more he now refers to himself as ThothHorRa.
Since 1977 he has been my friend and mentor. Thoth and the Beings he sent to me before him raised me, since I know they were with me from birth. I remember an astral trip into a mountain where they taught me things. I was then four years old. I stand as evidence to the integrity of those who raised me. I had loving human parents certainly although my father died when I was ten, but also these incredible beings...Thoth primarily. I cannot say truly WHAT this subjective life experience really IS...if the Beings are who they say they are, or maybe just all aspects of my Higher Self. I can say it is not my lower self. Nothing but GOOD has ever come from this Source. Even in some instances, lives have been saved, mine included! The information I have written and spoken from this source-experience for now over 55 years speaks for itself in regard to the light that shines through it. Is every word of it true? I have no idea, as all translators are fallible, but it SHINES nonetheless. From my Thoth Source, the following has been gleaned...
"Thoth" or the more ancient "Tehuti" is a title. It was first given as Toth (minus the first "h" in pronunciation) to the soul of the being I commune with. Later he incarnated in Tibet but as a "Blue Star Solarian." His Creation Star (as is mine) is the Blue Star Rigel in Orion. Once again he was given the title of Tehuti/Thoth, as it was known from his birth that he was the incarnation of the first Toth. There have been no others on Earth to assume this title legitimately, but others who have taken it nonetheless. These fake Thoths are few but they are sprinkled throughout time since Toth MUZURUD came to Earth from Rigel. Did some Annunaki decide to assume that title? Possibly. I do not know. Thoth has stated to me that actually there were some Annunaki who said, "Enough. What we are doing here (on earth) is not good." These who refused to go further were the reason the Annunaki left the planet when they did. However Thoth was not Annunaki. He was from among the Solarian Shepherd Race which is composed of Beings from Orion (not just Rigel), Sirius and the Pleiades. Other Star Teams were to come forward and join them in later times. As for Osiris, according to my Thoth, he was one of the two souls of I'shoa (Jesus).
I conclude by stating that really, everything is inside you. So Thoth, Osiris and the whole of Orion is inside ME. Therefore my life, conduct and integrity reveals to all, the LIGHT I drink from.
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I have entitled this article "The Sun Born" but it really encompasses a larger picture. I have written and spoken on much of this before in bits and pieces. Here I wish to pull it all together in a brief but concise understanding.
The Sun Born were originally called the "Pure Born." They were born on this Earth with genetics of the "Sun Races", Beings from worlds of the Metatronic or Full Light Spectrum. They were primarily from the Sovereign Worlds of Orion (Blue Star Rigel) the Pleiades and Sirius although some were from other star systems. The Pure Born project as we might call it was not intended to create a "super race" on Earth. It was to seed all humanity with the para-genetics of Enlightenment through the higher development of the already present M-Stra Molecule within the human being. Also, by breeding more "Pure Born," there would be more humans who could lead humanity back to the embrace of the full spectrum of what we call "Divinity."
The actual project began in Atlantis where a whole lot of messing around with genetics had caused problems. Then there was the Annunaki thing. Thanks to Eniki (no, he was not the Thoth soul), the greater plan of the Annunaki which was/is re-designing the M-Stra Molecule for their own purposes, had not been successful and Eniki persuaded them to leave the planet. They had left Earth but had done genetic damage to Earth's kind (not just humans) while here. The Annunaki created what Thoth is referring to as the "Slave gene." This was bio-engineered and placed into the human hosts they used for labor as well as genetic research. This "Slave gene" was very specific. It created a strong proclivity for the following:
To fear and obey the "superiors." To define these superiors as being those with wealth, power and who had white skin. Now, not all Annunaki had white skin or even human-looking skin for that matter, but the "Controllers" did. They were the ones the Slave Force served.
To fear and distrust. To feel extremely threatened by all other races and peoples different from them or their Masters. While not all the Slaves had white skin at first or even looked alike, as more of the Annunaki "White Blondes" genes were used to attempt to convert the M-Stra Molecule, the Slaves became lighter-skinned and more alike in features and mindset.
To fear any change which might liberate them from the status quo.
One of the ways the Annunaki employed to keep them down this track was to feed them the flesh of a creature they created especially for this purpose. We have a descendant of this creature among us now, and humanity consumes large quantities of its flesh. We call them Bovines or Cows. The important factor to understand here is that racism and violence against those who are different is a genetic trait, which was placed into the human strain by the Annunaki Over-Lords. This does not mean that everyone born with this gene is doomed to serve it. Evolved souls are often born into families carrying this gene in order to purify that family tree, via para-genetics.
Returning to the Sun Born...
This race was primarily white and blonde as well, simply because this particular group of Star Beings were in the majority of those set to the task of restoring and guiding Planet Earth. But not all Sun Born were fair-skinned. The soul who was known in mythology as Osiris was a Sun Lord who came here from the Blue Star Rigel and had blue-black skin. He was one of the most "divine" souls to enter the Earth Realm, and was one of the two souls of I'shoa (Jesus). There were others among the Shining Ones who graced this planet wearing in flesh dark skins, and some with silver sheen and golden tones. So "Tall Blondes" can be both good guys (Sun Lords) and bad guys (Annunaki, etc). There is a story behind the relationship of the two types of course, but I won't add this to my "brief" treatise on the Sun Born.
Sun Lords are those from among either the Sun Born (born here on Earth) or who came directly to this planet who are especially charged with the frequency of Metatronic Light. Out of the Sun Lords are then another smaller group, which Thoth calls the "Illuminari." Thoth is one such Illuminari as well as Osiris, Isis, Horus and certain other beings who come to us through mythology. We might see the Illumanari as the High Priests/Priestesses of the Sun Lords. Sun Lords and their Solar genetics are related more directly to the "Living Lights" inhabiting the star-suns. We know these Living Lights as "angels." I have depicted Thoth Raismes of Aphra not as an Egyptian but fair-skinned and blonde. He was born in Tibet but not of the current races of Tibet. He was of the Sun Born.
Thoth showed me a golden "Aladdin's" Lamp sitting on a small ornate table. I asked him what I was seeing and his reply—a special, ancient lamp that he had acquired during his incarnation as the Walk-In to Ashoka (Asoka), the emperor of India. He told me that it came from Persia and was the source of the legend of Aladdin's Lamp! It now sat in his Temple house within the Inner Earth Domain. How he managed to retrieve it I didn't ask, but I am being shown now that Ashoka placed it in a cavern along with other sacred things. As ThothHorRa, he would have been able to transfer it to his Inner World home. This lamp indeed has magical powers. Of course all "magic" is simply science we don't yet understand. One didn't rub it to make a wish with a genie popping out. He said that it was a sophisticated device for manifestation, but did not go into detail concerning its operation.
Then later, he showed me the Golden Temple. It is located in the city of Seraphim, not far from Conclave of the Merkabah of the Host where he lives. This temple is a source of manifestation as well. It is for healing, restoration, spiritual communion (as any holy place would be) and to experience connection with one's self in other dimensions or incarnations. I knew there was even more to it but that is all I have received so far. He said that we, in our Domain, may remotely enter this temple as well. I am hoping he will give me a process for this soon. But you may simply wish to find your own way into the Golden Temple.
In 2002 I received the awareness that the Illumined Master "Thoth" (his soul-name given to me as "U'shael") had reincarnated into current embodiment on earth. I have now been guided to release this insight via "Timely Transmissions." According to my Thothic perception and akashic insights, the Thoth U'shael soul merged with an already incarnated young man of 25 who had been consciously prepared to receive the "U'shael" soul. This is not what is commonly referred to as a "walk-in" but is instead a layering of souls and beyond, to a merging of these two souls for the period of this incarnation.
The current Thoth U'shael incarnation for the purpose of this transmission is given the name of "Thoth Amii", meaning (Thoth) "one who gives breath to" (Ami) "divine accord" or "centered being". His actual longer name is "Tehuti Madjula Hakti Nada." Thoth Amii's host body was manifested (did not enter through a physical birth) within the inner earth domain and then projected to the surface of the planet at the location of the Valley of the Blue Star in Tibet. He also traveled to a remote part of Egypt then journeyed to Tibet where he received soul-mergence with U'shael. The U'shael soul as Thoth Raismes still resides within the inner earth. Thus, Thoth Amii is a further projection of U'shael into this planet now forming a two-node aspect uniting with a third point/embodiment within the blue star Rigel of Orion (Toth-mus-zurud-still a viable embodiment). The "trinitizing" of U'shael is currently focused in the space-time of our planetary cycle.
Thoth Amii is now projecting the capstone ray of the three-fold ray of "Divine Breath" that is unique in signature to the Thothic Streaming, into the etheric bandwidth of the earth. This "three-fold Breath" is gradually expanding the natural breath of the etheric wave-form of the earth and is inter-penetrating both the lunar and solar shells of the planet, creating a "cosmic" circuit of the Breath as well.
The Thoth U'shael "Magna" or Oversoul is now facilitating the Christic flow through the earth by reinforcing the planetary sacred Breath. By intentionally placing ourselves within the Crucible of the Thoth-Breath, so we may be gathered into the greater matrix of the planetary Breath. Practice breathing through the heart while feeling, sensing, knowing the Thoth-Breath within you which is a natural function of the human-planetary whole; yet is at this time being facilitated by the Three-Foldness of the incarnating soul, Thoth U'shael.
As Thoth Amii continues to anchor his new incarnation among us with this electro-magnetic zone of earth, so we may find a loving tutor of the Breath within our direct energy field. Where is Thoth Amii now? He seems to travel between Tibet, India and Egypt. Being one of the "Immortals" his mode of "travel" is usually a manner of changing vibration to another location in space-time.
The Incarnation of Tehuti Madjula Hakti Nada (Thoth Amii) U'shael has revealed to me that he is experiencing his first incarnation in this dimension of earth since Christian Rosencreutz. This incarnation will be of a single layer—that of the soul of U'shael and not a combination of several souls. However, he will be surrounded with a shield of streaming Light from his merkabah of souls, the Chariot of the Sun.
He revealed to me what this body would look like, and I saw a man with light tan skin and deep indigo eyes. His hair was long and black. While there were some features about him that looked Eastern, it was not entirely so. He could easily pass for French or even from a dark Celtic linage. I asked him what race he would be and he informed me that his was a mixture of ALL original pure races on the planet. When I say "pure" it is meant that the races we have now all come from "pure strains" which have gone through many changes. U'shael's new incarnated body is genetically composed of all the original pure strains of these races.
This current incarnation will be a new "Thoth" or "Tehuti." This is a specific Teaching Linage through which he has incarnated twice before in the past. His name as the new Tehuti would then be "Tehuti Madjula Hakti Nada," or "Thoth Amii" as a form of the name showing respect and emphasizing his role as a Thoth.
What is the purpose of this incarnation? U'shael reveals it to me in this way. The primary purpose of the incarnation of Thoth Amii is to insert and anchor the Light codes U'shael carries into the earth in a new way. A new delivery of the Thoth Linage. The Thoth Teaching Linage is one of making way for the Christic power in the earth. In all its activity so this is its primary agenda. The mission of Thoth Amii specifically is to set a new reference point in the minds and hearts of specific spiritual teachers on the planet, so as to accommodate the plan and purpose of the Christ in the 21st century, and in preparation for the coming cycles leading to the vibrational ascension of souls into the New Earth Star reality.
Thoth Amii will not dwell solely in Tibet. He will travel to various locations on the planet, mostly through teleportation—a means used by other living Masters, such as Babaji. He will collect about him a small group of men and women, most of whom come from the inhabitants of the Valley of the Blue Star, but also from some other locations as well. He will not reveal himself publicly in any way, but only specifically to spiritual teachers at certain times and places. His greater work will simply be "to be" anchor his Living Flame in the earth. His inner earth embodiment as Thoth Raismes will continue, as this is in another dimension of the earth's reality.
In February of 2019, while our Crestone Johannine Templars were together meditating, I had an inner vision of a man obviously to me a High Illuminari. I felt that he was the soul of ThothHorRa, my inner planes mentor, but he did not appear as any of the “faces” I have seen him embody before. Previously there was: Tothmuszurud, Thoth Raismes of Aphra, Thoth Ami and then more recently ThothHorRa of the New Earth Star. This one was none of those,not only in appearance, but in Presence. Yet I felt the Thothic Being nonetheless.
Later, I requested information from Thoth and received that he as appearing as U’shael, his higher Soul Self. This name was familar to me, as in the 1990’s when I had asked for a name for his Highest Being, he gave me U’shael. However, now he informed me that U’shael was you might say, a “point man” for all nine Sun Spirit Souls, of which he is one. Please pause for a moment in reading this article to read about the brief Akashic definition of the Nine Sun Spirits. This is not what Thoth has called “layered souls” where souls are stacked in one incarnation. It is more of an infusion from a higher realm. In the image above you will see my attempt to capture the visage of U’shael as I saw him. While it is most certainly not identical to him, after hours of work, I believe it comes fairly close. I asked why Thoth appeared to me in this way and at this time. In the vision, he was walking around us (four in the room) and sprinkling pink rose petals, as Michael Henry Dunn played the harmonium and sang. He replied that now was the time for the Sun Spirits to unite in preparing the World for the New Era (beginning in 2020) in which those among humanity who choose (through vibrational similitude) to enter the La’Shan’Ka’Ra Lotus (Pyramidis Radius Matrix) in prepartion for Light Principle 40.
Akhenaten, Nefertiti and the City of Armana Thoth calls Akhenaten the last Solar Lord/Shepherd King to be invested upon the Earth. There is a long story concerning the Solar Lords as Shepherd Kings, which I will not go into here, but These beings: Solar Lords also called Shepherd Kings (and Queens) are our true Kindred upon the Earth…not the Anunnaki! Akhenaten and Nefertiti were the Shepherding King and Queen who made a Last Stand for the our Kindred on this planet. Even though they were brought down by the AMUN (Archonic servants), they accomplished a great deal in their short reign, some of which is awaiting an Awakening. Thoth reveals to me that Akhenaten was a reincarnation of Osiris (one of the nine Sun Spirits). Although actually I should not use the term “reincarnation” as Osiris never reincarnated again in the standard sense of the word. According to Thoth, he “Timewalked” into his son Horus and in some other incarnated ones, including Akhenaten. I honestly have yet to grasp how this “timewalking” into form works. So I will just say for now that Osiris entered the form of Akhenaten. No, I do not receive that Nefertiti was Isis. Beneath the city of Amarna is an underground complex created by Akhenaten and his Queen. This complex—the ARATU—awaits its future. I will write more about it another time, but just say here that it contains “machines” for a future time.
The Shepherd King and Queen of Amarna developed the Sacred Hives of Khansi (a garden area named for Nefertiti’s brother who had died). The bees of these hives were prayed over and chanted to. They became large and quite golden in color. They were fed a special monoatomic formula and also given Shungite powder within their hives. The King and Queen believed that these sacred bees helped them to commune with their Starry Kindred of the Sun. Note: Since Shungite is known only to come from one place in Russia, I asked how they possibly obtained it. I received that it was “brought” to them by the Star Kindred.
Akhenaten’s Promise Had Akhenaten fulfilled his life mission he (as the Osiris Timewalker) would have “timewalked” back into form for the prepartion to receive the Pure Soul Sun Spirit of I’shoa into incarnation in that body in Egypt. This was the first chosen place and time to do so. However, because the Mission was interrupted, the Akhenaten-Osirian soul moved into the next level or receipt within the Middle Eastern region to become the “Holy Land.” Yet as Akhenaten prepared to leave the body he placed his “soul seal” upon the Creational Matrix as a “Promise” that the original Timeline of the Christing in the Earth would return to join the separating reality. Then the two would be one, and the Miracles which would have issued forth from an Egyptian Birth of Christ would be given to the Earth before the New Earth was upon us. I was guided by U’shael-Thoth to create not only the portrait of U’shael, but a medallion as well. Then I was to place the medallion into a psionic template of Light Mathematic numbers each summoning the frequency of an elemental being. There are a total of nine in this template, each connecting to a Sun Spirit. Each string contains ten numbers, ten being the Solar number. Thoth states that the Medallion is “infused” with these elemental beings, registered through their crystals and powders.
"Ashoka the Great's symbol, the ashoka chakra with 24 spokes. Each spoke depicts one hour of the day, portraying the prevalence of righteousness all the 24 hours of it. It is featured in the center of the current flag of India."
My inner planes mentor Thoth (ThothHorRa) revealed to me several years ago that one of his incarnations was as the Indian ruler, Ashoka. That the soul of Thoth entered the mortal being of Ashoka as what we now call a "walk-in." Historically, as a King, Ashoka conquered many lands and people, resulting in the slaughter of thousands. However after he had acquired a large kingdom in this manner he suddenly renounced violence and became a Buddhist! It was at this point, so says ThothHorRa, that he (Thoth) entered the being Ashoka.
It was upon the great river that Askoka fell face forward from the horse's back and unconscious, his soul came out of his body and mine entered therein. ThothHorRa
From Wikipedia... Ashoka, popularly known as Ashoka the Great, was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from 269 BC to 232 BC. One of India's greatest emperors, Ashoka reigned over most of present-day India after a number of military conquests.
Renowned British author and social critic H.G. Wells in his bestselling two-volume work, The Outline of History (1920), wrote of emperor Ashoka:
"In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted majesties' and so on. They shone for a brief moment, and as quickly disappeared. But Ashoka shines and shines brightly like a bright star, even unto this day. Prominent in this cause were his son Venerable Mahindra and daughter Sanghamitra (whose name means "friend of the Sangha"), who established Buddhism in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). He built thousands of Stupas and Viharas for Buddhist followers. The Stupas of Sanchi are world famous and the stupa named Sanchi Stupa was built by Emperor Ashoka. During the remaining portion of Ashoka's reign, he pursued an official policy of nonviolence (ahimsa). Even the unnecessary slaughter or mutilation of people was immediately abolished. Everyone became protected by the king's law against sport hunting and branding. Limited hunting was permitted for consumption reasons but Ashoka also promoted the concept of vegetarianism. Ashoka also showed mercy to those imprisoned, allowing them leave for the outside a day of the year. He attempted to raise the professional ambition of the common man by building universities for study, and water transit and irrigation systems for trade and agriculture. He treated his subjects as equals regardless of their religion, politics and caste. The kingdoms surrounding his, so easily overthrown, were instead made to be well-respected allies.
He is acclaimed for constructing hospitals for animals and renovating major roads throughout India. After this transformation, Ashoka came to be known as Dhammashoka (Sanskrit), meaning Ashoka, the follower of Dharma. Ashoka defined the main principles of dharma (dhamma) as nonviolence, tolerance of all sects and opinions, obedience to parents, respect for the Brahmans and other religious teachers and priests, liberality towards friends, humane treatment of servants, and generosity towards all. These principles suggest a general ethic of behaviour to which no religious or social group could object.
The source of much of our knowledge of Ashoka is the many inscriptions he had carved on pillars and rocks throughout the empire. Emperor Ashoka is known as Piyadasi (in Pali) or Priyadarshi (in Sanskrit) meaning "good looking" or "favored by the gods with good blessing". All his inscriptions have the imperial touch and show compassionate loving. He addressed his people as his "children". These inscriptions promoted Buddhist morality and encouraged nonviolence and adherence to Dharma (duty or proper behavior)...
Ashoka's own words as known from his Edicts are: "All men are my children. I am like a father to them. As every father desires the good and the happiness of his children, I wish that all men should be happy always." Edward D'Cruz interprets the Ashokan dharma as a "religion to be used as a symbol of a new imperial unity and a cementing force to weld the diverse and heterogeneous elements of the empire".
Also, in the Edicts, Ashoka mentions Hellenistic kings of the period as converts to Buddhism, although no Hellenic historical record of this event remain. The conquest by Dharma has been won here, on the borders, and even six hundred yojanas (5,400–9,600 km) away, where the Greek king Antiochos rules, beyond there where the four kings named Ptolemy, Antigonos, Magas and Alexander rule, likewise in the south among the Cholas, the Pandyas, and as far as Tamraparni (Sri Lanka). Edicts of Ashoka, Rock Edict 13 (S. Dhammika)
Ashoka also claims that he encouraged the development of herbal medicine, for human and nonhuman animals, in their territories. Everywhere within Beloved-of-the-Gods, King Piyadasi's [Ashoka's] domain, and among the people beyond the borders, the Cholas, the Pandyas, the Satiyaputras, the Keralaputras, as far as Tamraparni and where the Greek king Antiochos rules, and among the kings who are neighbors of Antiochos, everywhere has Beloved-of-the-Gods, King Piyadasi, made provision for two types of medical treatment: medical treatment for humans and medical treatment for animals. Wherever medical herbs suitable for humans or animals are not available, I have had them imported and grown. Wherever medical roots or fruits are not available I have had them imported and grown. Along roads I have had wells dug and trees planted for the benefit of humans and animals. Edicts of Ashoka, Rock Edict 2
The Greeks in India even seem to have played an active role in the propagation of Buddhism, as some of the emissaries of Ashoka, such as Dharmaraksita, are described in Pali sources as leading Greek (Yona) Buddhist monks, active in spreading Buddhism (the Mahavamsa, XII[2]). The reign of Ashoka Maurya could easily have disappeared into history as the ages passed by, and would have had he not left behind a record of his trials. The testimony of this wise king was discovered in the form of magnificently sculpted pillars and boulders with a variety of actions and teachings he wished to be published etched into the stone. What Ashoka left behind was the first written language in India since the ancient city of Harappa. The language used for inscription was the then current spoken form called Prakrit.
One of the more enduring legacies of Ashoka Maurya was the model that he provided for the relationship between Buddhism and the state. Throughout Theravada Southeastern Asia, the model of ruler ship embodied by Ashoka replaced the notion of divine kingship that had previously dominated (in the Angkor kingdom, for instance). Under this model of 'Buddhist kingship', the king sought to legitimize his rule not through descent from a divine source, but by supporting and earning the approval of the Buddhist sangha. Following Ashoka's example, kings established monasteries, funded the construction of stupas, and supported the ordination of monks in their kingdom. Many rulers also took an active role in resolving disputes over the status and regulation of the sangha, as Ashoka had in calling a conclave to settle a number of contentious issues during his reign. This development ultimately lead to a close association in many Southeast Asian countries between the monarchy and the religious hierarchy, an association that can still be seen today in the state-supported Buddhism of Thailand and the traditional role of the Thai king as both a religious and secular leader. Ashoka also said that all his courtiers were true to their self and governed the people in a moral manner."
According to what I have received, as Ashoka, Thoth established an inner circle of priests to whom he entrusted "Sacred Utterances" of his visions. These were actually originally given by him to a priest/priestesshood in MU (Lemuria) when he was the "Lord Melchizedek." Now as Ashoka, he presented several "books" of the Melchizedekean Sacred Utterances to his Indian priests. Shortly after this, Ashoka/Thoth departed the form. He had intended that these priests pass the "Sacred Utterances" on to select schools of chanters...for these Utterances were to heal and restore living things (actually transforming the DNA). However, only a few schools were created, and due to an epidemic, the original priests died and the schools came to an abrupt end.
Just the other day, my inner-planes (and inner earth) mentor ThothHorRa suddenly showed me himself with a boy he called his “son.” Having been in direct communion with Thoth since 1977 he certainly had my attention, has he had never revealed this particular son to me before. As Thoth Raismes of Aphra he had many children, sons among them. Yet no mention of Akmemsatin, which was this boy’s name.
Thoth informed me that Akmemsatin “came to him” when Thoth was Raismes in Egypt (around 10,000 years ago). He was indeed his genetic child. Akmemsatin was also an “Illuminari” as Thoth refers to himself and others such as Jesus and Buddha. Many Illumanaris however are unknown to history, myths and legends. In the future, I will do a Substack on Illumanaris, but for now just say that Akmemsatin is indeed on a level of Illuminari Mastership.
Akmemsatin was “delivered” to his father Thoth Raismes when he was an infant. This is the story Thoth told to me:
Of all Thoth Raismes’ children Akmemsatin is the only Illumanari. Raismes was guided to journey by starship into the Inner (hollow) Earth to Kha’rahim, the Star Birthing Temple. In this place, he knew he would receive this child from the birth mother who was a priestess there. Her name was and still is, Auramun. Thoth also refers to her as Aura Moon. I knew that the babe had not been conceived in what we would consider the natural. Yet it mostly certain was not via test tube. This would have been the same manner of conception in which I’shoa (Jesus) and Mari Magdalene engaged in the birth of John Martinus on the Isle of Iona. This form of conception is still a mystery to me.
Through a sacred ceremony Raismes received the child and transported him back to Egypt. Auramun would visit them at times. Auramun, Thoth and Akmemsatin are all still living and look as fine as they did at twenty-five. This is typical of all Star and Inner Earth Kindred. Five years after Thoth Raismes went into the Hollow Earth to become ThothHorRa, Akmemsatin followed him. Yet the latter has been dwelling primarily within the Blue Star Rigel for some time. He only recently (as of days from this writing) returned to live in the Inner Earth Seraphim with his father. I know Thoth travels into several different dimensions and places, but his current home is in the Blue Mountains of Seraphim, along with his Twin Flame SaRaFana.
Now Akmemsatin joins them. While he is not SaRaFana’s son he is genetic Kindred to her. It is difficult for us to understand how this all can be, with no jealousy or upsets. More is explained in my video Women of Seraphim. Thoth always has a reason in revealing things to me and a timing as well. I do not know more at this moment, but possibly more will come for later.